Flexible Plans


Members Feed

Group feed

Private and Public Groups

In-app chat

Business Spotlight/Sponsors

Business Directories

Member's Birthday Notifications

Notifications: Text messages, emails, In-App messages

Social Media Integration

Locate Nearby Member

Events Gallery

Discount Partners

Jobs Board

Monthly subscription for members

Dashboard - Data Analysis

Membership Reports and Statistics

Members Feed

User Role Management

Membership Mangement System (Web-Portal)

Campaigns Management

Mobile Application

Online Support

Elections Management

Mentoring Program Management

24/7 Enterprise Customer Support

Free $0

Limited participants


$6/ per user per month

Unlimited participants


Unlimited participants


Members Feed

Group feed

Private and Public Groups

In-app chat

Business Spotlight/Sponsors

Business Directories

Member's Birthday Notifications

Notifications: Text messages, emails, In-App messages

Social Media Integration

Locate Nearby Member

Events Gallery

Discount Partners

Jobs Board

Monthly subscription for members

Dashboard - Data Analysis

Membership Reports and Statistics

Members Feed

User Role Management

Membership Mangement System (Web-Portal)

Campaigns Management

Mobile Application

Online Support

Elections Management

Mentoring Program Management

24/7 Enterprise Customer Support

Free $0

Limited participants


$77/ per user per month

Unlimited participants


Unlimited participants


Viper House, 49C Phase II Ext,Main Korangi Road, DHA, Karachi.

Head Office- Lahore

Office No 8. 8th Floor Arfa Software Technology Park, Lahore, Pakistan.


1st Floor, Software Technology Park-1, F-5/1, Islamabad.


Dubai R0-2805, Prism Tower, Business Bay, Dubai, UAE.

© 2021 Membia all rights are reserved, a product of Viion Technology .